How does CARS24 guarantee the best price for my car?
CARS24 ensures you get the best price by using our smart AI pricing engine, which has been developed using our historical data. At CARS24, we've transacted over 6 lakh cars, and our database helps the pricing portal predict a fair market value for your car. It analyses real-time market data and considers factors such as your car's make, model, age, mileage, and overall condition. This comprehensive approach allows us to offer a fair and competitive price for your vehicle.
Can I request payment in cash at CARS24?
No, CARS24 only offers payment via bank transfer. The payments are directly transferred to your bank account before we pick up the car, ensuring a secure and convenient transaction.
How long will my car inspection take at CARS24?
Our car experts conduct an inspection of your car based on over 140 parameters, which takes about 30-45 minutes. This detailed assessment helps us provide you with an accurate valuation and a fair offer.
Can I sell my commercial car to CARS24 in Noida?
At present, CARS24 does not transact commercial vehicles.
How long will it take for the payment to get transferred into my account at CARS24?
At CARS24, we ensure payment is made instantly after you accept our offer. You'll receive the amount directly in your bank account before we arrange to pick up the car.
What documents do I need to sell my car online in Noida at CARS24?
To sell used cars online in Noida at CARS24, you will need the Registration Certificate (RC), insurance, and a Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate. Optional documents like the original invoice, duplicate keys, and ownership manual can also be helpful but are not mandatory.
Can I get an instant valuation of my car?
Yes, you can get an instant online valuation by visiting our website. Enter your car's details, such as registration number and mileage, to receive a preliminary estimate. You can schedule a doorstep inspection with our experts for a more accurate valuation.
Can I sell a car on behalf of someone else in Noida?
Yes, you can sell a car on behalf of someone else in Noida with CARS24, provided you have the necessary authorization and documentation.