The Toyota Innova Crysta price has been increased by up to Rs 27,000 for new buyers in India. The hike is not uniform across all variants, with a variant seeming unaffected by the price increase. Following the hike, the price of the Toyota Innova Crysta now starts at Rs 19.99 lakh and goes up to Rs 26.82 lakh.
The Toyota Innova Crysta GX+ variant comes with a price hike of Rs 22,000 in India, while the VX variant gets a Rs 25,000 increase.
The top variant, the Toyota Innova Crysta ZX, is now priced at Rs 26.82 lakh, after a Rs 27,000 hike, making it the highest increase in the lineup.
The Toyota Innova Crysta prices for other variants have been affected, but the base variant, GX, price remains unaffected by the hike, staying the same as before.
The Toyota Innova Crysta comes powered by a 2.4-litre diesel engine, which churns out 150PS of power and 343Nm of torque. It is exclusively paired with a 5-speed manual transmission.