The Mahindra XUV 3XO waiting period in March 2025 ranges from 3 weeks to up to 52 weeks, depending on the variant.
The Mahindra XUV 3XO MX1 waiting period in March 2025 is the longest, reaching up to 1 year.
The second base variants, Mahindra 3XO MX2 and MX2 Pro, have a much shorter waiting period, with a wait of up to 3 months.
The Mahindra 3XO waiting period for the MX3 variant is also around 12 weeks, which is about 3 months. However, The Mahindra XUV 3XO MX3 Pro with a petrol engine has the same 12-week waiting period, while the diesel version of the MX3 Pro has the shortest wait time, with a maximum of 3 weeks.
If you're interested in the Mahindra XUV 3XO AX5 waiting period in March 2025, it is the second-longest, with a wait of up to 16 weeks, while the AX5L has a waiting period of around 12 weeks.
The top variants, Mahindra 3XO AX7 and AX7L, have a waiting period of up to 12 weeks.