Mahindra continues with its streak of launching 5-star rated cars, with the latest addition being the XEV 9e. The electric SUV has received 5 stars in the Bharat NCAP crash test.
Starting with the adult occupant safety rating, the Mahindra XEV 9e scored full 32 points out of the 32 points up for grabs in the test. Furthermore, the SUV offered good protection to all the vital points in the case of both the driver and co-passenger.
In the child occupant safety crash test, the Mahindra XEV 9e scored 45 points out of 49 points. The electric SUV scored full marks in CRS installation score and 9 points out of 13 in the vehicle assessment score.
The model tested by Bharat NCAP was equipped with features such as 6 airbags, electronic stability program, ISOFIX child seat anchorages for the rear seat, seat belt reminders and pedestrian protection system.
Crash test ratings aren’t the sole or the most accurate indicators for crash safety. Other factors that should be considered in order to determine how safe a car is are driver comfort, driver assistance systems, structural integrity of the vehicle and more.
Mahindra will showcase the XEV 9e as well as the BE 6 at the Bharat Mobility Global Auto Expo 2025 and is also likely to announce the complete price list of the electric SUV.