The Hyundai Exter price has increased in India, with hikes ranging from Rs 7,500 to Rs 9,700. It is available in nine broad variants: EX, EX(O), S, S(O), SX, SX Knight, SX(O), SX(O) Connect, and SX(O) Connect Knight.
The Hyundai Exter variants prices have been raised by Rs 7,500 uniformly across most trims. However, some variants get a higher price increase.
The Hyundai Exter new prices for the SX and S variants, which are available with a CNG powertrain paired with a 5-speed manual transmission, have increased by Rs 8,200 each.
Meanwhile, the Hyundai Exter SX 1.2 MT Knight Edition Hy-CNG Duo, SX 1.2 MT Hy-CNG Duo, and S 1.2 MT Hy-CNG Duo variants have received a uniform price hike of Rs 9,700.
Fortunately, there are select Hyundai Exter variants where the prices have remained unchanged. These include the SX(O) Connect 1.2 AMT and SX(O) Connect 1.2 AMT Knight Edition variants.
The Hyundai Exter new price range starts at Rs 6,20,300 and goes up to Rs 9,47,900.