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Fancy number plate in karnataka
Fancy number plate in karnataka

Fancy Number Plate in Karnataka: Check Prices and How to Apply

04 Mar 2025
Key highlights
  • 1
    You can check the availability of fancy number plates in Karnataka online
  • 2
    You must submit an application, and pay by Demand Draft before the auction
  • 3
    It costs ₹20,000-₹75,000 to reserve a VIP number in Karnataka

Owning a new vehicle is a source of pride for many people, being one of the largest purchases they’ll make in their lifetime. One way to personalise this important purchase is to give it a fancy number plate. By this, we mean a fancy registration number or a VIP number plate apart from whatever is auto-allocated in the running series at your RTO. This can be a specific set of numerals or a sequence of numerals in a vehicle’s registration number, such as 0001, 4444, 0786, etc. The process for acquiring a fancy number plate in Karnataka is slightly different than some other states, with physical open auctions taking place instead of online auctions. In Karnataka, the transport department has been running auctions for fancy numbers since 2015 with e-auctions still in the proposal stage and not yet implemented. 


Many people opt for a fancy registration number for good luck, sentimental reasons or just plain personal preference. If you’re looking for information on fancy number plates in Karnataka, how to check availability of a chosen number in Karnataka, how to reserve a fancy number plate and associated fees, this article should point you in the right direction. 

Fancy number plate in Karnataka 


While all vehicle registration numbers are alphanumeric combinations unique to each vehicle, fancy number plates take this one step further. Out of the 0001 to 9999 numbers under each series, registration numbers in the first 1000 of running series are allotted by the RTO. Numbers after 1000 in the running series are allotted by the transport commissioner. 


A fancy registration number can stand out on the road even to the casual onlooker. Fancy number plates in Karnataka can be issued for both two wheelers and four wheelers, with differing prices for each. The process of acquiring a fancy number plate requires more planning and a few additional steps than the regular vehicle registration process so keep that in mind.

How to get a fancy number plate in Karnataka?


In Karnataka the process of getting a fancy number plate is limited. The Karnataka transport department holds auctions at specific dates and times for the fancy numbers and RTO choice numbers, from 0001 to 9999. These are the steps to getting a fancy number in Karnataka:


  • Submit a physical application for reservation of fancy number and reservation payment via DD (demand draft)
  • DD to be drawn in the name of the Secretary, State Transport Authority. The reservation rate for running series numbers is ₹20,000 and advance numbers is ₹75,000 
  • Bid for a desired fancy number plate in a physical auction. Fancy numbers are allotted to the highest bidders in an open auction
  • If you get your desired fancy registration number, you are required to complete the payment for it within two working days
  • The rest of the process continues as with any new vehicle registration. The vehicle has to be registered within 90 days or else the bidding amount will be forfeited.

What is the price of a fancy number plate in Karnataka?


When it comes to fancy registration numbers in Karnataka, the cost can be quite varied, as certain fancy number plates have much higher demand than others. The RTO choice number price in Karnataka in running series is ₹20,000. The cost of reservation for advance series numbers is ₹75,000. This is a non-refundable amount to be paid by demand draft drawn over and above the highest bid amount in auction. Based on previous auctions, these are the prices one can expect to pay for a fancy number plate in Karnataka, including a 0001 VIP number plate price:


Fancy numberAuction price
0001₹10.75 lakh
9999₹7.7 lakh
0009₹4.5 lakh
6666₹4.05 lakh
0007₹3.8 lakh


How to Check Fancy Number Plate Availability in Karnataka?


While it isn’t possible to obtain a fancy registration number in Karnataka through the website, it is possible to check fancy number plate availability online. Availability of a specific fancy number, or RTO choice number as it’s also known, can be done through the Parivahan Sewa portal.


  • Visit the Parivahan Sewa portal

    Visit the Parivahan Sewa portal


  • Select the ‘View registration series’ or ‘Choice number’ tab to see the available numbers


    Choice Number Click on it


  • Select the state as ‘Karnataka’ and select the relevant RTO to you

    Select the state as ‘Karnataka’


  • Search for your desired number/fancy number from the list of available numbers in each series

E-Auction Process for Fancy Number Plate Registration in Karnataka


The State Transport Authority has previously issued a proposal towards moving fancy number plate registration in Karnataka, as early as 2018. As of 2024, the proposal is still under review. Currently, there is no e-auction process for fancy number plate registration in Karnataka. For owners looking for fancy number plates, the steps outlined above to the physical auction are the only option.




Unlike fancy number plate registration in states like Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Kerala and others, the process to acquire a fancy number plate in Karnataka is more tedious. The fancy number plate price in Karnataka can also be considered among the most expensive in India thanks to the local tax structure. That said, it is still possible, it just requires more effort and possibly the right connections to know when upcoming fancy number auctions are going to be held.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. What is the 0001 number plate price in Karnataka?
Q. What is the 9999 number plate price in Karnataka?
Q. What is the 0009 number plate price in Karnataka?
Q. What is the 0003 number plate price in Karnataka?
Q. What is the 0002 number plate price in Karnataka?
Q. How can I check the availability of my chosen number in Karnataka?
Q. How long does the entire process of getting a fancy number plate take in Karnataka?
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